Yesterday marked the 78th year since the invention of the Hostess Twinkie. Why does that strike me as funny?
Today, 500 million Twinkies are produced every year. That's about 2 Twinkies for every man, woman and child in the country. You can have my two, I don't really like them. I do like some of the other Hostess products which include Ho-Ho's, Ding-Dongs, Cup-Cakes and Sno-Balls. Now there's a wholesome treat, coconut-covered, strawberry Sno-Balls. That strikes me as funny, too. I'd like to meet the guy who came up with the name Ding-Dong and Ho-Ho. "Let's see it's a chocolate-covered, vanilla cake mix in a round format, hmmm... I know, we'll call it a Ding-Dong, yea sounds about right. And the tubular ones we'll call Ho-Ho. Perfect."
You can often tell where someone was raised by the pre-packaged snack food they like. I'm from the mid-Atlantic northeast, home of TastyKake. From my first day of high school until my last, everyday, I had the following: two sandwiches made with Pepperidge Farm bread, ham and cheese, an orange, a bag of potato chips, and a TastyKake, usually Butterscotch Krimpets. I'm not sure what a Krimpet is but that is what they are called. If I had a dollar or so, which I usually did, I added to that, a soft pretzel, a pint of chocolate milk and a Coke from the school Cafeteria. If that sounds pretty specific for being over 30 years ago, remember, I had the same thing everyday for 4 years, and in case you are wondering, I had barely an ounce of fat on me.
Back to the prepackage snacks. In the Fort Worth area, I often hear people talk about Little Debbies and fried pies. I'm not sure if Twinkies were big here or not and I don't see them on the shelves but I'm not looking for them either. I know TastyKake doesn't go much further south than Maryland.
If you were born in Fort Worth, am I right about the fried pies? Any southern Californians, what about you? I think the Midwest is Twinkie land.
the mid west, at least the Minnesota part is for sure Twinkie land..
Thanks Becca, I thought so.
New England was Hostess country. The real test if someone is from New England or not is to ask them, "What's a Hoodsie?"
If he makes nostalgic yummy noises, he's from NE. If he looks at you with the blank stare, he is a poser.
(repost due to terrible grammar)
Never heard of a hoodsie. Must not have traveled south to the lower three counties of PA (DE). You can tell me when I'm back in a few weeks.
Hostess butter cup cakes have been catching my eye lately, but I haven't indulged; Little Debbie Lemon pies keep winning. They really are nice and tart, if a little greasy.
Someone's obviously eating more than their share of twinkies, because I haven't had one in ??? more than 30 years.
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