Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pentecost Sunday or Whit Sunday

Pentecost (Ancient Greek: Pentēkostē, "the Fiftieth [day]") is one of the prominent feasts in the Christian liturgical year commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Christ after the Resurrection. The feast is also called Whit Sunday, Whitsun, or Whit especially in the United Kingdom, where the following Monday was traditionally a holiday. Pentecost is celebrated seven weeks (50 days) after Easter Sunday, hence its name. Pentecost falls on the tenth day after Ascension Thursday. From Wikipedia. Here

Veni Creator Spiritus ("Come Creator Spirit") is a hymn normally sung in Gregorian Chant. It is believed to have been written by Rabanus Maurus in the 9th century. The hymn is performed during the liturgical celebration of the feast of Pentecost. From Wikipedia. Here.

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